Monday, June 25, 2007

Four-body Energy System

Why work in the energy bodies?
All dis-ease begins in the energy field. It's not ALL in your head. Just for the sake of simplicity I will explain a 4-body system (there are many other systems). We all have electo-magnetic energy fields surrounding our physical selves. That's just a scientific fact that has been proven by measurement and by Kirlian photogaphy. Each of these layers of energy has greater density the closer it is to the physical body.

Starting with the finest outer layer, is our spiritual body. This is where we feel spiritual well being or discomfort. That well being or the discomfort filters inward to the mental body and affects our mental patterns-things we form judgements about. Our judgements in turn affect our emotions. We hold feelings about those judgements in the emotional body. The emotional body closest to the physical self, directs the physical body, the cells and the chemicals in the brain to react in certain ways. This results in either good health or disease, depression and other common conditions.

The four body system not only clears the present but the near future -- anything (thoughts - feelings-- or problems with our beliefs/faith) will work gradually into the physical body. We truly do create, and our bodies interpret for us what the disorder is - where and what we need to work on to align with our purpose. Only when we clear up the body, the emotions, the mind, and the Spiritual aspects of ourselves will we be really clear.

Self-healing is about becoming clear. Clear to heal the body by clearing and mastering our emotions (fears). It is about mastering the mental part of ourselves (judgements that separate us from each other and from Divine), and about dissolving the boundaries of these energy bodies until we can experience living in our spiritual body. To become that clear means freedom from disease or even from aging. My hope, working with you, not on you, is to clear your pain & trauma. We all need to begin to love ourselves enough to accept healing and to find the courage to open our hearts and minds to compassion, acceptance of others, and the recognition of the sacredness of all life on the planet.


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much easier to navigate.