Friday, September 21, 2007

Rev. Linda Harris IET Therapist

(IET) Integrated Energy Therapy

If you are under the care of a physician it is recommended that you continue that care and use IET as a supplemental method.

What is IET?
Integrating means parts being brought into wholeness. This holistic system of healing is highly spiritual and intuitive and therefore may vary from one person to another by addressing each individual's needs. Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) is a combination of any of the many healing modalities in which Rev. Harris is skilled i.e. Reiki, Mental Patterns, EFT, Polarity, Spiritual Counseling, Energy Balancing.

IET is about Soul Healing
It is highly effective in identifying the true issue, the deep problem. Linda is insightful, gentle and compassionate. She helps by offering her clients expanded awareness which increases one's level of consciousness.

Soul Healing and IET bring physical results
The body has a language and it speaks to us. Because the body is witness, it remembers our crises, shocks, hurts, traumas and injustices. When we internalize anger or any other strong emotion our body stores it. IET can and does help individuals identify the core issue, the spiritual, emotional or mental pain at the root of the physical problem. There are no accidents, only different ways we choose to tell ourselves there is a problem. Sometimes it takes a two-by-four or a car crash and we still don't "get it". With IET and Linda's spiritual vision there are often immediate results.

Other Services

Your Wedding Your Way

As clergy I am empowered to perform your legal wedding. I love this job! Everybody is always happy! Always remember this is your special day, you should have it your way.
♥ I also do handfasting, unions and vow renewals
♥ Traditional and Non-traditional ceremonies at your location
♥ Non-denominational and civil weddings, Interfaith ceremonies
♥ Customize your own ceremony, write as much of the ceremony as you want
♥ Unique times, locations or theme weddings

Self-Empowerment & Universal Laws:

The Secret is quite the hot topic since Oprah featured it on her show. The Law of Attraction is easy to understand, easy to apply. It is not so easy to maintain the positive attitude and positive expectation required to manifest the reality you want. If you are interested in improving your life, your attitude, your career please contact me for performance coaching.

Contact Me: Please leave comments. I will be notified when you do and I can respond.
Posted by Linda Harris at 2:36 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 25, 2007

So, you have Breast this

This is a letter I sent to my friend, when her friend in California discovered she had breast cancer. Since then Pat has said I should share my experience with the public. Here goes:

Dear Pat,
Sorry you are in distress about your good friend. As I mentioned before I was glad to get a better perspective when my email pal said, “Don’t let the “C” word scare you—its like appendicitis.”

I was talking with the radiologist today and he said at least cancer is curable (caught in time) but heart disease and diabetes are not. Be glad you don’t have those; you’d have to live with them for the rest of your life. At times, like when getting your diagnosis, you need to put a positive spin on everything.

That said, my attitude about my breast cancer was at the very least defiant. I thought, I don’t want this, I don’t have time for it—it has to go. (No doubt about it!) My motto was from 1980-something was “I will not be subdued!” I felt as if for the entire length of my life I had been suppressed, repressed, oppressed, depressed, well, just pressed in general and always between a rock and a hard place if not under someone’s thumb! No more! I took my life in my own hands and I treated it more gently and lovingly than others had. I got real strong back then. But somehow over the years I lost my edge. Like a blade become dull. That happens unless we are challenged to stay sharp. The challenge is not the disaster that befalls us, not the disease—it is what we choose to do with it. In my world I meet it head on. In my world I win.

It is my belief that God does not challenge us, we challenge ourselves. God does not test us. We are tested by life, by ourselves and often by each other—but not by God. We are not victimized or inflicted with anything by God. As a parent we do not do these things to our children. God is Love. Love is everywhere around us and within us. Again, it is merely my opinion—but my breast cancer was a teacher, a wake-up call to forgive old hurts, resentments and to let go of old pain, shocks and trauma. My cancer was a call to come to terms with my faith and begin once again to choose to live in Grace.

I had dismissed the old hurts and filed them away under “experience”. Now it was time to change my experiences from negative to positive, drag out the resentments and old pain, face them squarely and work through them. It’s like getting to the other side of the pond. Sure, you can go around it and not get wet—but what if the point is that you must get wet in order to wash away the old stuff? Kind of like another baptism. You have to plow right through the middle of the pond and then release it all. Yell, cry, swear and beat the pillows, rage and rant and weep if you have to. You don’t forgive others for their sake. The truth is you forgive others for your own sake (and the sake of your soul’s well-being). Holding bad or sad feelings inside the body is bad for the body. Get the toxins out; the hurt, the anger, the resentment and the old pain, these are poison. This was the central theme for my cure. Yes, there is a cure! In my thinking my chemo regimen was the supplemental method. It helped the other processes by reducing me to a point in my life where I had to figure out if I was staying around—and if I was, then how was my life going to be? I had to identify what was and was not necessary in my life. Love was necessary. Inner Peace was necessary. The old crap was not.

When people offered books and literature about cancer, confidentially, I thought to myself “Why? Cancer isn’t something I’m keeping.” I said to my friends, “Rather than invest my time and energy learning about what was wrong I’m investing my energy in healing.” I laughed, a lot, especially at funny movies. People sent me jokes. I laughed at myself, and the grandchildren are terribly funny. Laughter IS good medicine. I dealt with my old issues and hurts. I had to forgive my ex for not being the person I thought he was. That one made me cry. I had to forgive my newly ex-daughter-in-law for taking Torri away from us. I had obsessed over that one and it was only months later I found the lump. I changed my diet to be more alkaline. I was gifted with a bottle of Waiora NCD Zeolite liquid (Natural Cellular Defense). I took 10 drops three times a day for the first week then reduced it to seven drops then to five, finally just once a day.

I was proactive, not RE-active. By doing positive things I put the power right square back in my own hands. I chose life because it is joyful—not because I was afraid to die (big difference there). I bless my experience for teaching me, giving me the opportunity to see how many people loved me and to appreciate how deeply loving I am—and to get right with the past. It gave me the opportunity—and still provides, for this kind of ministry.

I have to add that Angie recently told me that when she was talking with someone else, that they were asking each other if I was really that positive—or was I just putting on a brave front? I told her, “Yes, I really was that positive. If I wasn’t I wouldn’t have gotten the same results.”

Pat, I hope you can share some of this with your dear friend. You would know better than I what she is willing to receive. My advice is be open to all forms of healing, be open to the healing power of love and forgiveness and above all, get in touch with all the good things life has to offer. Be passionate about living and living in the present moment, without a past. Have fun, play like a child and giggle every chance you get—makes it worth staying around for!

Love and lots of hugs!

Four-body Energy System

Why work in the energy bodies?
All dis-ease begins in the energy field. It's not ALL in your head. Just for the sake of simplicity I will explain a 4-body system (there are many other systems). We all have electo-magnetic energy fields surrounding our physical selves. That's just a scientific fact that has been proven by measurement and by Kirlian photogaphy. Each of these layers of energy has greater density the closer it is to the physical body.

Starting with the finest outer layer, is our spiritual body. This is where we feel spiritual well being or discomfort. That well being or the discomfort filters inward to the mental body and affects our mental patterns-things we form judgements about. Our judgements in turn affect our emotions. We hold feelings about those judgements in the emotional body. The emotional body closest to the physical self, directs the physical body, the cells and the chemicals in the brain to react in certain ways. This results in either good health or disease, depression and other common conditions.

The four body system not only clears the present but the near future -- anything (thoughts - feelings-- or problems with our beliefs/faith) will work gradually into the physical body. We truly do create, and our bodies interpret for us what the disorder is - where and what we need to work on to align with our purpose. Only when we clear up the body, the emotions, the mind, and the Spiritual aspects of ourselves will we be really clear.

Self-healing is about becoming clear. Clear to heal the body by clearing and mastering our emotions (fears). It is about mastering the mental part of ourselves (judgements that separate us from each other and from Divine), and about dissolving the boundaries of these energy bodies until we can experience living in our spiritual body. To become that clear means freedom from disease or even from aging. My hope, working with you, not on you, is to clear your pain & trauma. We all need to begin to love ourselves enough to accept healing and to find the courage to open our hearts and minds to compassion, acceptance of others, and the recognition of the sacredness of all life on the planet.

All Healing Is Self-Healing

Healing Soul-utions operates on the premise that all healing is self-healing. We believe we must open our hearts to ourselves via permission to love 'self', the forgiveness of self or others, or by various means in order to facilitate healing conditions. That we, as human beings, have bodies that try to communicate our emotional, mental, and spiritual discomforts to us via "body language." Healing Soul-utions also maintains that we must treat emotional, mental or spiritual causes rather than address only the symptoms, or our bodies will continue to communicate to us the discomfort or dis-ease that remains present in our energy bodies (aura), and symptoms will return.
Energy work, in no way replaces professional medical care. However no care system can help you if you do not, on some level of your being, desire to be helped. For example a person, who believes themselves guilty, bad, or faulty in some way and/or not deserving of healing, usually stays sick. Rather we would like to assist and support your present care with avenues not open to, nor acknowledged or supported by most American health care professionals – that of integrating our Spiritual Selves and energy fields, into the treatment plan. Please note that healing may occur only one, two, or all levels of being, perhaps only spiritual or emotional. Regardless, if our consciousness level is increased, healing has taken place.

Alkaline & Acid Foods List

This list can get you started. I got it off a web site so I can't take the credit but if you are struggling to recover avoid the acid foods whenever possible. You can add back your favorites after you are better--in moderation of course.

Alkaline Foods (60-80% of your diet depending on your health)

Daikon, Dandelion Root, Kombu, Maitake, Nori Reishi, Shitake, Umeboshi, Wakame

Apple, Apricot, Avocado, Banana (high glycemic), Berries, Blackberries, Cantaloupe,
Cherries sour, Coconut fresh, Currants, Dates dried, Figs dried, Grapes, Grapefruit, Honeydew Melon, Lemon, Lime, Muskmelons, Nectarine, Orange, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raisins, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Tangerine, Tomato, Tropical Fruits, Umeboshi Plums, Watermelon

Almonds, Chestnuts, Millet, Tempeh (fermented), Tofu (fermented), Whey Protein Powder


Chili Pepper, Cinnamon, Curry, Ginger, Herbs (all), Miso, Mustard, Sea Salt, Tamari

Alkaline Antioxidant Water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Bee Pollen, Fresh Fruit Juice, Green Juices, Lecithin Granules, Mineral Water, Molasses blackstrap, Probiotic Cultures, Soured Dairy Products, Veggie Juices

Calcium: pH 12 Cesium: pH 14 Magnesium: pH 9 Potassium: pH 14 Sodium: pH 14
Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acidifying effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkalinizing effect in the system. Note that a food's acid or alkaline forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example, lemons are very acidic, however the end products they produce after digestion and assimilation are very alkaline so, lemons are alkaline forming in the body. Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion, but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid forming.

LIMIT ACIDIFYING FOODS (only about 1/3 your diet)

Almond, Milk, Black Beans, Chick Peas, Green Peas, Kidney Beans, Lentils, Pinto Beans, Red Beans, Rice Milk, Soy Beans, Soy Milk, White Beans

Butter, Cheese, Cheese Processed, Ice Cream, Ice Milk

Cashews, Legumes, Peanut Butter, Peanuts, Pecans, Tahini, Walnuts

Bacon, Beef, Carp, Clams, Cod, Corned Beef, Fish, Haddock, Lamb, Lobster, Mussels, Organ Meats, Oyster, Pike, Pork, Rabbit, Salmon, Sardines, Sausage, Scallops, Shellfish, Shrimp, Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Venison

Avacado Oil, Butter, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Flax Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Lard, Olive Oil, Safflower Oil, Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil

Carob, Corn Syrup, Sugar

Beer, Hard Liquor, Spirits, Wine

Catsup, Cocoa, Coffee, Mustard, Pepper, Soft Drinks, Vinegar

Aspirin, Chemicals, Drugs, Medicinal Drugs, Psychedelic Herbicides, Pesticides, Tobacco

Beer: pH 2.5 Coca-Cola: pH 2 Coffee: pH 4

How I Beat Stage 3 Breast Cancer in Two Months

I used A LOT of different healing methods and in no way can I say this one worked or that one worked. I do however feel that used in conjunction they all contributed to my miraculous cure.
The most important thing I did was to examine myself, one of those fearless and searching moral inventories. Only now I must continue to do them periodically. Louise Hay attributes a mental pattern to every disease. Alice Bailey (Theosophy Publishing) also wrote a book “Esoteric Healing” concerning this same principles. In 20 years experience I have not found these principles to be wrong, and I’ve checked them out. I observed them with all my friends and family and their friends as well.

I worked on my issues. In addition to holding onto some relationship hurts, shocks, old pain and what I considered horrible injustice, I was obsessing about my three-year old granddaughter and her welfare. Daily I agonized over the outcome of that divorce and custody—against all my beliefs about trusting in Divine right order. I grew myself a big lump of tumor over it and all the other things I had never quite gotten over like past betrayals, lies, and abandonment. The nice thing is since my diagnosis I am on good terms with my granddaughter's mom and she is growing up and being responsible now. In fact I’m on better terms with all my old relationships save one. I want to mention that I used Caroline Myss’s material on Chakras to do my issues work, mostly heart chakra work for breast cancer. A word of caution, you cannot have epiphanies, new insights and new perspectives and then go back to the old way of doing things after you are well again. It doesn’t work that way. I'd had all those healing insights and still got/created cancer. I had to put up or shut up.

The second most important thing I did was EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. This is free and it is on-line, available to everyone at This site offers CDs for very little investment (about $15 for 3 CDs) if you want to see the demonstrations and tap along watching your PC monitor. I put a lot of stock in this healing method. Why on earth did I ever get sick having all the tools I do? The answer is simple. I didn’t always use them. I’m a Reiki master as well and usually fail to give myself the energy.

The other methods I used are below and I have no way of knowing if they need to be used together or what percentage of healing could be attributed to what method, if at all—except laughter. With no intention of minimizing any method’s importance I will list them and give brief information. As with any product, method or theory, use you own discretion as to what you are comfortable doing or using. You have the option to believe nothing unless it resonates with you.

Alkaline diet versus acidic diet, “cancer can’t live in alkaline environment”. You can find this information on-line. This is free information. I also read a study that cancer actually feeds off nicotine. Smokers quit while you can. I had no alcohol and don’t recommend it (its acidic).
Surprisingly, lemon, orange, mandarins, lime and grapefruit are not acidic in the system but become alkaline. Boost your immune system. See information at

Waioras’s NCD Zeolite- natural cellular defense formula, detox and alkalize, boosts immune system. They make no claims on this product concerning cancer but results are amazing. There is a cost but I used only one bottle during this time and it was a gift.

Releases: verbal affirmation of letting go of some hurt, fear or resentment—getting it out of the body and releasing it. Try to feel it as you let it go. This is an emotional exercise, not intellectual. My thought is--old hurts and injustices are like cobras. If you don't let them go they will kill you.

Quantum Energetics – QE, a hands-on method of working with the body’s electrical systems. Very complex to learn and not well known but it is effective and simple to receive. I have had immediate results with shoulder and hip problems. Works with all kinds of physical problems including constipation. Look up Quantum Energetic Healing on-line.

Reiki—ancient origins but rediscovered by Dr. Usui in Japan. There is a universal divine healing energy available to everyone. Some people access this through prayer but there are different kinds of prayer. When using Reiki to access this energy symbols are used. Those symbols are related to an energy language and each symbol represents an entire concept. A Reiki practitioner directs this energy. It is very closely related to Healing Touch, which is accepted in many hospitals.

Bach Flower Remedies—You may use the actual remedies. I could not afford them so I used the power of the mind to heal using the remedies (psychic dosing). Not for everyone—I believe in intention and the power of the mind and the will. Psychic dosing is done with the mind with a real product in mind but not any physical product in my possession. Just say, “I now ask for the perfect dose of...(whatever flower essence).” Read up on them to know which ones to use.
Immunics—This is another method free to everyone on-line. Check out the website at watch the videos for instruction. I used this but not regularly, simply because I was doing so many methods. There are donations for CDs etc. Note the Cancer page in the left column.

Laughter therapy releases endorphins, raises frequency of the body and it feels good.

Supplements/Antioxidants that were doctor approved – meaning she had no objection. Though she did not see they had curative value she allowed them. R-Lipoic acid (stronger than Alpha Lipoic) Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium (be careful, you can overdose on this), DMAE, Vitamin E, daily liquid vitamin. I do not suggest others do exactly as did but use their own judgment as to what is best for them or check with their own doctor. I started taking N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Selenium after chemo because I did not find out about them before then. I suggested both to my friend during her chemo. For more information: I will list my dosages in another posting. Again I am not perscribing any of htese methods. I am saying this is what I did.

Ho'oponopono – A method from the ancient Kahunas (healer-priests) of Hawai'i. Here’s the site directly addressing cancer.

I found this site in October, after my experience but you may check out the various ways to fight cancer at!800&keyword=%2Acancer%2A&match_type=

I had a really hard time with the last chemo session and since the MRI said I was clear my doctor said to recover from the chemo and prepare for the surgery. However she also said I may need to finish the last two sessions depending on surgery results. By August it was time for the lumpectomy, only there was no lump anymore. My surgeon called me personally with the results after surgery and reported there was no cancer, and no trace of any cancer. The breast tissue samples and the two lymph nodes he removed had no sign of any cancer what so ever. It was just gone. On my post-op visit he walked into the room and hugged me and said he was very impressed. He was genuinely very happy for me and I feel he was just a bit proud of me as well.

This month, June 0f 2007, is my first anniversay of completing chemo. Having just had my mammogram and office exam I can report I'm still free and clear.

My Cancer Story - The Background

Is there a cure for cancer? There was a cure for me. I’ll be very honest and forthright. What I did worked for me. I have the medical records as proof that in March of 2006 I had an aggressive advanced breast cancer and two months later it was gone. My only surgery was a lumpectomy and removal of two lymph nodes in August 2006 and only for the purpose of being sure the cancer was gone.

Doctors had seen me twice since my last child, a daughter born in 1982. For over fifteen years I just didn’t get sick. If I felt something coming on I checked my Louise Hay book “You Can Heal Your Life”, and worked on the personal issue connected to that ailment. Sometimes that’s all it took, other times I went with herbals and supplements to speed the process. I am one of those people who feel “Physician, heal thyself” is only logical. I was also one of those people who said I would never get cancer. I wasn’t the type to let something eat away at me.

My 80 year-old mother was living with me and had broken her hip. It was stressful; she didn’t want to exercise and never regained full mobility, which means I had to do more for her. With the exception of only two months, every single month from the time she was released from rehab (Feb 04) I had a cold that lasted ten to fourteen days. By January 2006, after two years of this my immunity was all but non-existent. It is possible for stress to kill you. The past November (‘05) I had found a lump in the right breast. Well, I’d had a lump before. The practitioner at Planned Parenthood found it in a routine exam in the ‘80s. I went home did my “issues” work and saw a doctor nearly a year later to verify it was gone. I never knew what kind of lump it was. This doctor was one of the two visits to see a physician in about twenty years. The other visit, by the way, was to check my ankle for arthritis, didn’t have it.

In late December the lump started feeling tender and inflamed. I was starting to get a bit worried. There was a red patch on the skin over the lump. In early January of 2006 after telling my oldest son about it I decided, at my oldest son’s pleading, to get checked out. My son is an x-ray tech. I contacted Every Woman Matters, an organization that helps women get mammograms, and began the paperwork process. I had no health insurance, didn’t have a job with benefits, and didn’t really have any job. I do wedding ceremonies and had to rely on referrals. Some months I have no weddings at all, some months only one or two ceremonies.

Every Woman Matters did help, and eventually I qualified for Medicaid. They got me into Contemporary Health Care for Women, a local clinic. I got the routine exam and screenings in February, and was told that I did have a sizeable lump that would have to be further investigated. Every Woman Matters set me up for an MRI and a CT scan. After those images were studied I had an ultra sound to determine if the lump was fibrous or solid. It was solid, not good news. I knew at that moment it was cancer. Sometimes you just know something at the core of your being. I was referred to a surgeon, who did a biopsy during the first office visit on March 3rd. The results were what I already knew, cancer. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma to be exact. I told him I would be actively participating in my healing. He replied I needed to choose an oncologist. I chose the office where my youngest son had gotten care a few years before when he had testicular cancer. He recovered completely and has never had a recurrence. I chose a new doctor though. I went with a woman physician, one from India. Since I am into holistic health care and natural remedies I believed that an Indian doctor would treat me the person, not just my cancer. I was surprised she didn’t know who Deepak Chopra was.

Dr. Midathada is a young woman and was very open to my supplements and whatever else I was doing as long as I kept her informed about what I was taking. At our first meeting I assured her I would take responsibility for my part of the healing process. I don’t think she was used to hearing that. I don’t feel like I sold out my beliefs, I feel like I took advantage of every resource available. Originally I was to be scheduled for eight chemo sessions over 16 weeks, rest and heal, then have a lumpectomy. Six weeks of radiation, five days a week to prevent recurrence would follow post-surgical recovery. I completed six of the chemo sessions, four before and two after the MRI in May. One more thing before I tell you how I was cured. It is important and I feel it is necessary.

One morning, I think it was near the time I started my chemotherapy I had a dream. In my dream I was helping a woman who was about to pass over. I was her coach and I was there for her to encourage her and keep her from becoming afraid, to help her focus. In the dream I was telling her it [dying] was easy. I told her to focus her thoughts on a beautiful place she wanted to go. To imagine there were loving people there to greet her. When she became afraid I told her just to relax into it. I told her death does not hurt, it is not meant to cause fear. I told her it was like passing through a door into another way of being. When I awoke that morning the dream was still very real to me. I realized then I was being given the choice. It would be easy to die. I had a chance to leave if I wanted. For three days that dream stayed with me while I considered my options.

Obviously I made the decision to stay in this life. I love my grandkids and freely admit that I want to imprint them, help guide their little psyches, challenge their minds and teach them, by example, compassion and understanding. I considered how my departure would break my daughter’s heart; she’s my best friend. From that moment I knew I would recover. Within a few weeks my daughter found out she was pregnant again. I had no doubts and when I did share my diagnosis with friends they were a bit surprised by my positive attitude. People offered me books about cancer saying I should have this information. My attitude was “why? It isn’t something I’m keeping”. I stood in my own power and made a decision; rather than invest my time and energy in the disease, I would invest my time and energy into recovery. My surgeon Dr. Tommeraasen said that making a decision was my turning point and that recovery is 90% in the mind. I also got a really neat note from an email friend. Dona said, “Don’t let the ‘C’ word scare you. It’s about like appendicitis.” That helped bolster my already thriving will and determination to beat this. I’d had appendicitis and survived hadn’t I? Using only energy therapy I had seen a fractured bone heal within a week with no evidence it had ever been broken. I’ve seen blood poisoning cured overnight with herbs, before any prescription could have begun to work.

Well, this is the background of my story. Let me post this and I will get on to the "How I did it" portion.